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Eimur and Innovation-week 2021 - Experiment on algae and hydrogen

Eimur and Innovation-week 2021 - Experiment on algae and hydrogen

Eimur took part in the festival Innovation-week 2021 (ísl. Nýsköpunarvikan). Innovation-week is a platform where companies and entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to host events where innovation and fruitful ideas are the main focus. Many interesting events were held in connection with the festival both online and in person.

Eimur stood for the event Experiment on algae and hydrogen - Food and energy of the future (ísl. Tilraun um þörunga og vetni - Matur og orka framtíðarinnar). The event was a educational video where the future role of algae and hydrogen were discussed. 

The video was divided in to three parts. One part about algae, other about hydrogen and the third part was a short chat with Karl Emil at Landsvirkjun about geothermal and how it can be utilized.

The algae section had two interviews. Júlía Kartín Björke, general manager at Mýsköpun discussed how algae can be an important factor future foods and she also talked about fascinating work that Mýsköpun is doing. The other interview was with the chef Garðar Kári Garðarsson. Garðar discussed the possibilities of incorporating algae into courses. Additionally, Garðar had also prepared few dishes that contained algae.

Ottó Elíasson, head of ressearch and development at Eimur, was in charge of the hydrogen section. Ottó showed how hydrogen can be generated by electrolysis, using only material thta can be found at home. Ottó also turned the process around and turned on a small light bulb. Along side this experiment Ottó discussed how hydrogen can play an important role in the future when it comes to energy.

The video can be found here below. Unfortunately the video is only in English.